Monday, March 28, 2005

Team Chess 45 45 Round 2

I won again! I had to re-tool my thinking process, because I had begun to play very unsound (but exciting!) chess. That's very dangerous to one's rating in the long run, I'm afraid. So, here is a rather solid (but obviously not unflawed) game that constituted my round 2 performance for CC-Dark Knights U1800 where I play 3rd board. My opp blundered the exchange on move 15. He also blundered away a bishop on move 19, but I didn't take advantage of it {19. cxb6?? (>= 19. Be3 followed by 20. cxb6, but even then he's losing a pawn with the exchange of knights) Rxf4 20. bxa7 Kd7! -+}. At any rate, I must mention that my opp was not very courteous either before the game (no traditional "good luck" wish) nor gracious afterward (he bugged out of there with out even saying "good game" or its equivalent).


Blogger Temposchlucker said...

Impolite opponents is the surest sign you are improving. . .

8:57 AM  
Blogger CelticDeath said...

Perhaps, although I hope I handle my losses more gracefully.

9:17 AM  
Blogger CelticDeath said...

Don't feel funny about commenting on my (or any other person's) games, psalcido. Your comments are welcome and well taken. In fact, I believe Fritz 8 was in agreement with you when I had it analyze it.

However, I felt my move accomplished several things which made it a pretty good move:

1. Further reduced the number of pieces on the board, which favored me with a pawn advantage.

2. I got a bishop and what would eventually have been 2 pawns out of the deal, which again favored me, because my pawn advantage would have been pert near impossible to surmount.

3. It served to drive home to my opponent that he had lost! :)

1:04 PM  

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