Thursday, October 20, 2005


Looks like DreadPirateJosh has gone 404.


Blogger Pawnsensei said...

And another one bites the dust.


8:02 PM  
Blogger CelticDeath said...

It kinda reminds me of my ju-jitsu classes. After a couple week of it, my sensei stopped class for about 20 minutes to discuss me and another guy in the class competing in a tournament in May '06. His main reasoning was that we both had stuck it out (and it hadn't been that long!), because most people quit after just a few classes. Some people just don't have the determination to put forth the effort it takes to succeed.

9:24 AM  
Blogger Blue Devil Knight said...

Damned pirate spies! Now the pirates will know all our chess secrets!

9:33 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

My blog has gone 404, I haven't :).

12:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, I just read the comments.
Some people may quit after a few classes because they decide they don't like it.
Some times you have to prioritize your hobbies and free time. (which I'm sure a family man like yourself will understand)
Also, just because I kill my blog doesn't mean I've stopped playing chess... its just a blog.
You quit updating your marathon blog, and you're ranking (at 1487) is the lowest its been in a year, does that mean you lack determination?

1:04 PM  
Blogger CelticDeath said...

Fair enough - but you did just up and drop the blog without notice. What else is someone to think?

My rating did drop with my last tournament. It will go back up with the rating of my recent chess club victory, and my FICS rating is the highest it's been in nearly half a year.

And, the fact that I'm still at it is completely at odds with your assertion of lack of determination.

12:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I know your determined CD I was trying to make a point that you can't just measure determination by a blog.
I should've made a post before killing my blog, I was mistaken, but I did not think anyone would care to much, since most blogs just stop without any word I thougt killing mine was a faster way to get the word out than a slow death. (also by nature I'm quite obsessive and I knew if I didn't kill the blog completely I would return to it and chess to the detriment of all other interests...)
Anyway, I know you'll continue to improve and I hope I improve even if its at a much slower rate than before.

2:52 PM  
Blogger CelticDeath said...

I hope it's not a "much slower rate than before," although there may be some truth to it. Each level requires a greater amount of chunking to reach. I think this chunking is the difficult thing. It takes a lot of time and effort for some. For others, it's no sweat.

A major part of my particular problem has been my thought process. Just because I have some competency in tactics doesn't entitle me to win games and increase rating points. My thought process has tended to be erratic. I'm at my best when I play carefully on every move and when rested. I'm at my worst when I presume that I should win.

3:52 PM  

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