Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Informal Speed Ladder Night

I made it to chess club for the first time in about a month last night. I played 8 games, and overall, I was pretty pleased with my performance, even though I won only half of my games.

I had a watershed game against the #22 ranked 11 year old in the US. I won my game against him and now have a 1-2-2 record against him. He is rated 1712. Unfortunately, the games weren't rated, so I won't get any points from that encounter.

Of my 4 losses, 2 were from winning positions against a higher rated opp that I managed to blow due to either overconfidence and/or time pressure. One of my other losses was due to trying to force a drawn position, and the other one I just flat out lost.

I plan to start my circles back up here soon, and I will then resume blogging my results.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Just a Little While Longer

Everyone's doing fine at home, but until I can get back into some sort of routine, I'm still keeping my chess study on hold. The little guy keeps me up to 2:00a regularly (kind of like my chess circles did towards the end!).

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Celtic Son

Born 8/11/05 18.5 in 6lbs 1oz

Mom and son are doing well....

and he's even got his own webpage!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Celtic Slowdown

Life calls, so my blogging (and most likely my chess study) will slow down some. My wife is due with our son any day now, so I need to address my priorities. I will blog my progress as I have time, and I don't plan to stop blogging, but my blogs may not be as frequent. I'll let you know how it all works out!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

CET: Circle 1, Day 52

Current Theme: Queen Endings
Total Solved in Theme:51/131
Total Solved in Problem Set: 2192/2443
Percent Correct in Theme: 47%
Percent Correct in Problem Set: 61%

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

CET: Circle 1, Day 51

Completed Theme: Rook Against Knight Endings
Total Solved in Theme: 84/84
Total Solved in Problem Set: 2131/2443
Percent Correct in Theme: 63%
Percent Correct in Problem Set: 62%

Completed Theme: Queen Against Pawns Endings
Total Solved in Theme: 10/10
Total Solved in Problem Set: 2141/2443
Percent Correct in Theme: 58%
Percent Correct in Problem Set: 62%

Current Theme: Queen Endings
Total Solved in Theme: 7/131
Total Solved in Problem Set: 2148/2443
Percent Correct in Theme: 66%
Percent Correct in Problem Set: 62%

Monday, August 01, 2005

CET: Circle 1, Day 50

Current Theme: Rook Against Knight Endings
Total Solved in Theme: 57/84
Total Solved in Problem Set: 2104/2443
Percent Correct in Theme: 65%
Percent Correct in Problem Set: 62%

CTS Rankings 8/1/05

1. Der Alter Goniff 1671
2. Pawn In The Game 1588
3. JavaManIssa 1546
4. CelticDeath 1534
5. Tempo Schlucker I 1495
6. DreadPirateJosh 1456
7. Bahus 1428
.. Nezha 1428
9. General Kaia 1417
10. Tempo Schlucker II 1414
11. Mousetrapper I 1409
12. J'adoube 1322
13. Pawn Sensei 1283 (steady progress upward!)
14. Mousetrapper II 1258

Note: Sancho Pawnza and Knightwizzy have gone inactive in the CTS rankings.

Let me know of any errors &/or omissions!