Monday, June 06, 2005

Tentative Endgame Training Schedule

I will be using Chess Endgame Training by Convekta. I will proceed through the problems sequentially beginning with pawn endgames and continuing through the rest of the themes. I think I will skip the mini-circles this time and just work a traditional MDLM program, because I was disappointed how much of my first theme group I had forgotten in my tactics training when I got to the point of working Uber Circles. My schedule will be thus:*

Circle 1: June 13 - August 7..................(44 problems per day)
Circle 2: August 8 - September 4............(88 problems per day)
Circle 3: September 5 - 18...................(175 problems per day)
Circle 4: September 19 - 25..................(350 problems per day)
Circle 5: September 26 - 29..................(613 problems per day)
Circle 6: September 30 - October 1.........(1,225 problems per day)
Circle 7: October 2............................(2,450 problems per day)

Despite the fact that the problem set is more than twice the size of the tactics set, I don't see a need to lengthen these times. This may change as I get into them, but I've already worked several of the problems in the set on an ad hoc basis and even the most difficult ones don't seem to require as much time and thought as tactics problems of similar difficulty.

*Our 3rd child will be born during this time, so I don't know what effect this may have with this proposed schedule.


Blogger Temposchlucker said...

I think I will skip the mini-circles this time and just work a traditional MDLM program, because I was disappointed how much of my first theme group I had forgotten in my tactics training when I got to the point of working Uber Circles

So forgetting seems to be our fate, no matter what kind of system we use. . .

12:01 PM  
Blogger CelticDeath said...

Yes, but the good news is that once I muddled my way past the point of those forgotten mini-circles and began Uber #2, the patterns have come back with a vengeance. So, on the one hand, yes, we will forget. On the other hand, if we continually reinforce those images (and I plan to do so even when doing endgames), they will remain in our conscious. And, who knows? Maybe with enough repetition, they will become permanently embedded.

1:02 PM  

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