Monday, April 25, 2005

Team Chess 45 45 Round 6: Stepped on a Landmine

My opponent this time was Mgoo on FICS. I had played him in Round 3 and lost. Both games, I played Black against him. In the first game, I played a Benoni so I had a feeling (which later turned out to be correct) that he would have prepared for this going into Round 6. Therefore, I decided to play a QGD: Chigorin's Defense (1. d4 d5 2. c4 Nc6). As misfortune would have it, though, he was much more experienced at playing against it than I was at playing it. I ended up falling into a trap that cost me a queen for 2 minor pieces. I did manage to hold on into the endgame, but the inevitable finally occurred.


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