Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Online Chess League (OCL) Fall 2005

I've been whining all year for Chessville to bring back the OCL - and they finally did. So, I feel obligated to play in that tournament. Although I'd normally play in both Teamchess and OCL at the same time, with the baby my time is limited.

Anyhow, I'll be board 2 for the About Tal team. Last year, I managed to climb to board 1 and fared decently well against some tough competition. The team to look out for is the Italian Garibaldi team. They dominated last time.

At any rate, I have my work cut out for me. I think I can be successful if I quit playing crazy chess. I'm not Tal (despite the team name), nor should I aspire to be. I should focus on playing Real Chess and avoid going for complications just for the sake of complications. That worked for me some last time, but it also bit me against the strongest of my opponents. I'll keep you posted on my results, and if I have the time, maybe I'll even (gasp!) figure out a way to post my games for replay.


Blogger David Glickman said...

What server does the OCL use?

10:01 AM  
Blogger CelticDeath said...

They use both FICS and ICC, (I think the player with the white pieces each round gets to choose if I remember correctly). All the games I've ever played in the OCL have been on FICS, though.

10:39 AM  

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